
The Folia Project goes back to the origin of the piece, commissioned by GRAME Institute (Lyon) back in 1995.

Then it was premiered by Jean-Pierre Robert on the bass and Kaija Saariaho’s husband, Jean-Baptiste Barrière.

In 2024, as part of the project Metamorphoses, GRAME organised various pedagogical activities around this piece, as well as performances, together with other works for double bass solo and live electronics. This will be continued in 2025.

In this occasion, the live electronic part is being translated into Faust, a software environment developed by members of GRAME.

Watch here a short explanation by Johann Philippe:

Watch here the recording in March 2024:

And here is the live performance in June 2024 at Caja Blanca (Málaga), together with Johann Philippe on live electronics:

Watch here some tutorials about the piece: